With the last remake, the magazine added a back page feature called Back Story. This week’s page asked "Could You Be a Home Economist in 1950?" and extracted a few questions posed to students from the New York State Regents High School Examination. Here are a couple to test your skills:
If, at dinner, your hostess spreads a whole slice of bread and eats it without breaking it, the most acceptable procedure for you would be to
- avoid eating bread
- eat bread the same way she does
- break your bread into two pieces and spread it as you eat it
- break your bread into four pieces and spread it as you eat it
- suggest a more desirable practice for eating bread
Having received Amy Vanderbilt’s Complete Book of Etiquette for Christmas 1962, and reading it from cover to cover, it being the only book I owned, this one was easy. I knew that my hostess’s bad behavior did not relieve me of the responsibility of one of the most challenging of dining skills. The process of consuming a large piece of bread began by breaking it into quarters, buttering a single section, returning the butter knife to the plate and only then, consuming and repeating.
Which of the following is a good rule for the weekly cleaning of a bedroom?
- Begin cleaning at the top.
- Start sweeping at the door.
- Be sure windows are closed to keep out the dust.
- Straighten dresser drawers.
- Rearrange furniture.
I'm thinking more like annually!