I had a nice surprise in the mailbox yesterday. No, this time it was
not a small package of beads, but Liz Curtis Higgs’ newest book,
Here Burns My Candle. Liz is one of my favorite novelists. I have read everything she’s written, and would be hard pressed to name my favorite. This novel is based on the Old Testament story of Naomi and Ruth, but set in 18th century Scotland. Intriguing? Liz’s novels always are! I would love to tear into her newest saga right now. I know it will be chockfull of all the rich historical details I love (and Liz is famous for), but since my own candle is burning at both ends…..it will have to wait until my show inventory is complete.
But if you’re a better time manager than I am, I recommend you run out and grab this one off the nearest shelf.
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